Habitat-Travel is a Turkish travel agency which arranges and executes journeys in Turkey (flight, accommodation and tours) on behalf of foreign companies. Both parties accept the terms and conditions of the present mutual agreement and cooperation, within the framework of the principles of trust, integrity and success..
All the proposals and recommendations, according to the requirements or independently, shall be prepared and presented by Habitat-Travel to the requesting organizers.
High quality and special cares and accompaniment services are under Habitat-Travel warranty. Reliable and clean hotels selected according to the standards proposed by the Turkish Ministry of Tourism. German / English / Russian-speaking licensed and expert tour guides. Modern, safe, comfortable and air conditioned vehicles. Dependable airline companies.
The contract shall take effect from the moment of signing Habitat-Travel’s written confirmation by the other party’s organizer. The contract is forwarded by fax or by e-mail as a PDF file
5.In general
Habitat-Travel, shall try to the utmost to prevent all changes relevant to flight dates and times, to hotel reservations and all other changes; if those cannot be avoided, Habitat-Travel shall immediately notice the other party about the details of all the changes and shall propose alternative solutions. Charter flights are always optional (flight schedule, airline company, flight date, etc.) and all changes are always taken into account.
6.Travel Fee
The travel fee must be paid by money order to Habitat Travel’s bank account 14 days prior to the commencement of the tour.
7.Cancellation Fee
Reservations can be cancelled in whole or in part at any time.
If cancellation is made before 30 days prior to the commencement of the tour, no fees will be charged for cancellation process.
Cancellation process fees are as follows
29 to 15 days prior to the commencement of the tour: 30% of the tour fee
14 to 10 days prior to the commencement of the tour: 50% of the tour fee
9 to 4 days prior to the commencement of the tour: 65% of the tour fee
3 to 2 days prior to the commencement of the tour: 85% of the tour fee
In case of cancellation is made on the day preceding the commencement of the tour or non-participation to the tour: 100% of the tour fee
Particular groups and particular conditions can be subject to change of the cancellation policies and pre-payment policies, only with previously written request depending on the situation.
8.Unused Services
In case of any change is to be made in the contents of the arranged tour contract after the commencement of the tour at the request of the client, such as cancellation of some services not yet received, the client must bear the contractual fees and a penalty to be paid in addition. Cancellation fee is calculated on the basis of per capita travel fee and is determined by contractual mutual agreement. The organizers are obliged to inform passengers about the cancellation fees in writing.
The other party, as the organizer of the trip, shall be liable to the passangers. Habitat-Travel shall not bear any responsability, unless there is negligence or intent by itself or by any of its contractual institutions; in such cases if losses occur, for all losses, except the vital loss, its liability is limited to pay to the injured passanger 3 times the price of the journey. Unfair accusations and allegations stays out of this responsibility.
10. Complaints
Habitat-Travel, shall not be responsible for errors or for bad services at the hotels, yet Habitat-Travel shall strain to solve these problems in favor of the organizer companies. Habitat-Travel shall not be responsible for complaints non-reported during the journey. All complaints that could occur during the journey, must be reported to Habitat-Travel in writing and on-site, with the signature of tour guide / hotel manager or with the signature of one witness.
Habitat-Travel shall strain to solve the problems stated in the filed petition and shall notify the organizer about these. All allegations/complaints notified to the organizer by the travellers at the end of their journey, must be forwarded to Habitat-Travel within 14 days. of the organizer to be notified. Habitat-Travel reserves the right to disregard the complaints coming after the expiry of this period.
11.Adherence to legal regulations
Informing the passangers about and warning them to comply with the laws and regulations, especially about the processes such as the passport, customs, visa, vaccination and exchange rates is under the responsability of the company governing the organization.
12.Reservation and procedures
The contracted organizer company is required to notify to Habitat-Travel, all weekly bookings update with the flight dates, the list of passengers’ names and their birthdates. Any name changes in the list is only possible till 7 days prior to the date of travel. Although the list 7 days before the date of travel possible name changes. The minimum number of participants for each tour is 10. All additional costs such as air security tax, extend of the the duration of the journey and/or private tours must be notified to passengers in writing by the organizer.
13.Amendments to the contract and the termination of the contract
All amendments to the existing contract, shall take effect only with the agreement of the parties in writing. In any situation not stciking by the terms of the contract, Habitat-Travel reserves the right to terminate the agreement after a notification in writing.
14.Natural Disasters (Force majeure)
Under circumstences that will require the unilateral termination of the contract such as the withdrawal of rights to flight (takeoff / landing), earthquakes, epidemics, armed conflict, terrorist attacks, riots, strikes, governmental action, and/or natural disasters, the affected party waives all responsibilities, and has the right to cancel travel program even though short-termed. In these cases, to compensate for the canceled program is not mandatory, there can be no compensation for both sides.
If all/any of these terms and conditions is determined to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such term, condition or provision will to that extent be severed from the remaining terms. In this case, both sides agree to cooperate by acting together to be economically close to the previous contract.
16.The place of jurisdiction
HABİTAT-TRAVEL’s place of jurisdiction is Antalya/TURKEY.